Welcome to our dedicated page for the families and loved ones of individuals struggling with addiction.
We've meticulously crafted an extensive information pack to equip you with insights into our approach to treatment. Here you'll find guidelines about the support and assistance we need from families through our program. Explore this invaluable resource and take the first step towards understanding, coping, and healing.
We acknowledge that the absence of easy access to your loved one during their recovery journey may be challenging for some. We understand that your intention to provide support may initially appear counterintuitive when it comes to restricting visitation and frequent communication. However, it is important to recognize that in the realm of addiction, unrestricted access to phones or constant contact with loved ones can inadvertently hinder progress and deter individuals from facing difficult moments head-on.
Though it may feel challenging, we believe that this period of limited contact supports the overall healing process, enabling individuals to focus on their recovery and acquire the necessary tools for long-term success. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and ensuring that your loved one receives the support they need during this transformative time.
Having a cell phone-free environment during the recovery process can be incredibly helpful and conducive to a successful recovery journey. When individuals do not have a cell phone with them, it eliminates distractions and allows them to fully focus on their healing and self-reflection. It creates a space where they can disconnect from the outside world and the potential triggers or stressors that come with it.
This absence of constant connectivity promotes a sense of presence, mindfulness, and deeper engagement in therapeutic activities, group sessions, and personal reflection. It fosters a supportive environment where individuals can truly immerse themselves in the recovery process, build stronger connections with peers and professionals, and develop healthier coping mechanisms without the distractions and temptations that a cell phone may bring.
Ultimately, a cell phone-free environment provides a conducive setting for individuals to fully commit to their recovery and make the most out of their treatment experience.

Important Notice: Temporary Phone Call Restrictions for the 1st week
During the first week, we do not allow phone calls to be made, as this period is crucial for reflection, stabilization, and starting to establish a strong foundation for recovery.
Phone Call Schedule and Communication Protocol
Clients are provided with two designated phone call slots per week, each lasting for 10 minutes. Phone calls are on Mondays and Wednesdays between 13h00 and 18h00.
If a call is missed, our team will make an effort to reach out again once all other residents have had their phone calls. During phone time, we kindly request that no incoming calls be made to ensure uninterrupted communication for all residents.
These time slots are specifically allocated for communication with supportive family and friends, with the aim of either maintaining existing healthy relationships or relationships in need of reconciliation. Clients on Step 4 are allowed additional phone calls on a Saturday of 20 minutes. Video calls are allowed. We want to inform you that we retain the right to restrict or withhold phone calls, and we will always provide prior communication regarding such decisions.
To maintain a focused and therapeutic environment, we do not allow clients to take personal calls. If you have an urgent matter, please don't hesitate to contact our office, and we will ensure it reaches our family liaison or case manager.
Step 3 Completion Opens Doors for Visitation! Important Guidelines
Upon completion of Step 3, clients may be eligible to receive visitors. This signifies an important milestone in their recovery journey, as it indicates progress and readiness for reintegration with loved ones. We request that all visitation plans be discussed with our office no later than Thursday.
To maintain a structured and therapeutic environment, we have a policy in place that prohibits visitation arranged directly between family members and the client. Our aim is to ensure that all visitation is coordinated by our staff to adhere to our legislative protocols.
Celebrating Progress with Special Visitation Privileges
Furthermore, once clients have successfully completed Step 5, they may have the opportunity to spend a day outside of the facility with their visitors. This step marks a significant achievement in their treatment, demonstrating their commitment and growth, and allows for moments of connection and enjoyment in a supportive and supervised environment.
Disclaimer: Please note that certain times and procedures mentioned in this document are subject to change. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is possible that updates and revisions may occur before the document is officially modified.

We value your support in the journey of your loved one's treatment, and one of the most impactful ways you can assist them is by crafting a thoughtful family letter.
Please remember that the purpose of the letter is not to hurt or humiliate the client, but rather to provide them with a perspective on their life through the experiences of others. These letters will be shared in a group setting among our staff and residents, as our program is rooted in the concept of peer recovery. By sharing personal experiences, we aim to foster diverse thinking, kindle hope, and inspire positive change.
Consider beginning the letter by reflecting on the times when life was positive, and your relationship flourished before substance use became a part of their journey. Then, kindly describe incidents that affected you, making you angry, ashamed, or upset. It is crucial to outline your intentions and the consequences that may arise if cooperation or behavioural changes do not occur, ensuring clarity for the client.
We encourage close family members or friends who play a significant role in their lives to also contribute a letter. Having multiple letters can help break through barriers in the early stages of treatment and often opens your loved one's eyes to the impact of their addiction. Initially, many clients enter treatment primarily to appease their families and may not fully engage in the program.
The family letter is vital to the client's treatment program and should reach us within 7 days of their admission. If you need assistance in drafting the letter, please feel free to reach out to us. However, please refrain from discussing the letter with your loved one during phone calls.
In addition, we kindly request a voice note from each individual family member reading out their respective letters. This voice note holds significant power, as hearing the letters in the authentic voice of the author creates a profound space for your loved one to confront their current position and circumstances. It serves as a catalyst for personal reflection and acceptance. Moreover, this process also facilitates healing for the authors themselves, providing them with an opportunity to express their thoughts and emotions openly, including aspects they may not feel comfortable sharing in person.
By embracing this approach, we create a transformative environment where both the recipient and the author can find solace and growth. It encourages honest communication, fosters understanding, and paves the way for meaningful connections and emotional release. Together, we embark on a journey of healing and support, where each voice is valued and respected.
We often observe that clients tend to downplay their life stories, which may stem from fear of receiving feedback or being judged, despite our reassurances that we are all equal and non-judgmental. It is crucial for us to gather as much information as possible from the family to demonstrate to the client that there is no need for fear right from the outset. Our intention is to provide support, and our effectiveness is contingent upon the client and their families openly sharing their experiences.
Your active participation in filling in the gaps is of utmost importance. By doing so, we can help the client realize that they have nothing to fear, fostering a sense of safety and trust. We are here to assist, but our ability to help is dependent on the information we receive from both the client and their families.
To summarise the guidelines:
How your lives were before the addiction?
Specific areas of damage:
What happened (incidents) - this is very important.
With whom, what were the results, and
How did you feel at that stage?
How do you feel currently about past events?
What are your intentions if things do not change?
Recovery is a journey that requires support. You don't have to go it alone. Explore our blog, "Support Systems in Recovery", to discover how these vital resources can both minimize the risk of future relapse and provide the crucial support you need throughout your recovery journey.

As part of our program, it is crucial for your loved one to learn the skills of budgeting and maintaining their finances effectively throughout their treatment. We are committed to providing one-on-one guidance on a weekly basis to support them in this process.
Tuck shop purchases take place on Fridays. Please ensure that the payment reaches us by the end of business hours on Thursdays.
To cover our expenses for their tuck shop, a 15% levy is charged. This levy is integrated into their budget, and they calculate it accordingly when managing their spending.
Please be aware that banking fees for cash deposits and other charges mentioned in the fees and charges addendum will be deducted from their allowance.
As the sponsor of the tuck shop, we fully support any allowance you can provide, and they are taught to budget within that range. We will inform you in case there are any special items needed for emergency purposes only, and we will seek your permission before allowing their purchase.
You are welcome to send "spoil-packs," but please keep in mind that we follow a nutritional program. Some items may be stored in the office and distributed on a weekly basis. You can arrange for these items to be couriered to PEP, or opt for door-to-door delivery. For the latter option, please contact your local courier service.
During the first two weeks after their arrival, we do not restrict their purchases due to the cravings experienced during the detox period. However, we take their allowance into consideration. We kindly request that you remember the agreed-upon monthly allowance and refrain from giving in to requests for extra funds during their weekly calls. It is essential to uphold the principles we are teaching them. Please confirm their monthly allowance and the expected date of transfer.
For deliveries, you can send your parcel from any PEP store to PEP Sabie, alternatively, you can also courier parcels to our address. For the tuck shop deposit banking details please contact us.
Upon arrival, all new clients undergo a comprehensive intake and orientation process, which serves as an introduction to our Treatment Philosophy. This detailed introduction provides them with the comfort of knowing that our program is holistic, focusing on their mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Part of the orientation process includes familiarizing clients and their families with the rules and expectations of the facility and the program. While we prioritize a flexible and personalized approach, certain rules and expectations are necessary to create an environment conducive to each client's recovery and progress.
It is important to note that the violation of these rules may result in different consequences, including immediate discharge, a temporary period of discharge from treatment, or warning notifications. These measures are in place to ensure the well-being and progress of all clients within the program.
Promoting Accountability and Community: The House Rules and Expectations Agreement
The House Rules and Expectations Agreement plays a vital role in the therapeutic process, serving as a cornerstone for establishing transparent guidelines and fostering a sense of accountability and responsibility. This agreement not only outlines what is expected of each individual but also emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community.
By adhering to these rules and expectations, clients contribute to a safe and harmonious environment that promotes personal growth and recovery. The agreement serves as a foundation for shared understanding and collective responsibility within the community at large.
Building a Supportive Community: Understanding Our House Rules
No alcohol or drugs will be allowed onto the premises.
No willful damage to house property.
No weapons, threats, intimidation, or violence will not be tolerated.
No romantic, sexual, or exclusive relationships with fellow residents.
No theft of property.
No romanticizing of drug or alcohol use.
Hate speech will not be tolerated.
Knowledge of another client breaking the rules and not reporting it.
Disrespectful conduct towards staff, volunteers, or head residents.
Setting Clear Guidelines: Understanding Our Expectations for a Successful Recovery Journey
Actively participate in the program.
Maintaining a peaceful environment.
Attend all meals.
No excessive profanity.
Anonymity and confidentiality of fellow residents.
We reserve the right to know their whereabouts during off times.
Submit to random drug testing.
All medication is to be administered by the staff only.
No sharing between residents.
Laundry is to be done weekly.
Take responsibility for duties allocated.
We reserve the right to ban contact between residents who are not conducive towards each other's recovery.
Maintaining personal hygiene.
Participate in physical exercise.
No cell phones are allowed.
No alcohol-based products are allowed.
Further Considerations:
Duties: Assigning responsibilities empowers individuals to take ownership of their actions and decisions, fostering a sense of accountability and personal growth. Engaging in duties enhances self-discipline, time management, and organization skills, which are essential for long-term sobriety. Moreover, contributing to the program's functioning instils a sense of purpose, self-worth, and belonging, creating a supportive community where individuals can thrive in their recovery.
Food: At our facility, we prioritize providing nutritional meals carefully designed by a dietician to support the recovery process. While we strive to accommodate various dietary needs and preferences, catering to every individual's specific requirements may not be feasible due to the diverse nature of these needs. However, we make every effort to offer a balanced and wholesome menu that promotes overall well-being. Our team is always available to discuss any dietary concerns and work collaboratively to ensure the best possible nutritional support for each client.
Environment: While we make our best efforts to create an aesthetically pleasing environment, it's important to note that we are not a star-rated facility. Our focus lies in providing a comfortable and supportive space for individuals to embark on their recovery journey. We prioritize the overall ambience, cleanliness, and functionality of our facility to ensure a conducive atmosphere for healing and growth.
While we understand personal preferences regarding duties, food, and environment, it's crucial to recognize that these aspects can become excuses that hinder an individual's focus on recovery. While we strive to accommodate individual needs to the best of our ability, it's important for clients to prioritize their journey to wellness over personal preferences. By maintaining a proactive mindset and embracing the program's structure, individuals can navigate potential challenges and use them as opportunities for growth, ultimately enhancing their chances of successful recovery.
Addiction has a profound impact on an individual's decision-making abilities, leading to noticeable changes in their behaviour and actions. These may include lying, stealing, manipulation, loss of ambition, neglecting personal hygiene, and struggling with basic life skills, among others.
In our program, we recognize the importance of behaviour modification in restoring life balance. It involves not only acquiring new skills and habits but also unlearning destructive patterns that have become ingrained in their lives. We place emphasis on fundamental aspects such as making their own beds, being punctual for meals and group sessions, and taking pride in their appearance and surroundings. By instilling a sense of well-being and creating structure and routine, we help individuals rebuild their lives on a solid foundation.
We have found that implementing a "three-strike" approach is the most effective in terms of therapy, as it allows individuals some room for error and avoids triggering a rebellious or defiant response that can hinder holistic healing.
It is important to note that discipline should not be misconstrued as punishment. Instead, it is about cultivating self-discipline, and recognizing that consequences are a result of our choices. Finding the right balance in the early stages of the recovery process is crucial. We kindly request your support if your family member or loved one feels aggrieved during this process.
We strongly encourage open lines of communication and will keep you informed of any transgressions, including their nature and the corresponding consequences. Examples of such consequences may include the temporary suspension of tuck shop privileges on Fridays, the temporary revocation of weekend time off, additional hours of step work over the weekend, or temporary restrictions on phone calls.
“If we do the small things like we would the big things, the big things will seem like small things”.

At PRC, we embrace a compassionate and understanding approach to addiction treatment. We recognize that the journey to recovery can involve setbacks, challenges, and moments of self-discovery. As part of our treatment philosophy, we offer the opportunity for clients to be re-admitted into our program even after expulsion, referral, or voluntary discharge.
We believe in providing individuals with a chance to continue their recovery journey, regardless of past circumstances. Our goal is to support their growth, resilience, and long-term sobriety. However, it is important to note that re-admission is subject to certain terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions are in place to ensure the safety, well-being, and progress of both the client and the community within our program. They are designed to promote personal accountability, responsible decision-making, and a commitment to the recovery process. By adhering to these terms and conditions, clients can create a supportive and conducive environment for their continued healing and growth.
Voluntary Discharge
If a client voluntarily leaves the facility against medical advice (RHT), we offer them the opportunity to return within 72 hours and continue with their program.
This opportunity for return is based on certain conditions, one of which is the commitment to maintaining sobriety during the absence. It is essential that no substances are used during this time as it aligns with our goal of fostering a drug-free environment that promotes healing and growth.
By allowing clients to return within this timeframe, we aim to minimize disruptions in their recovery journey and provide them with the ongoing support they need to make positive changes in their lives. Our dedicated team will work closely with the client to ensure a seamless transition back into the program and help them re-engage with the therapeutic process.
At PRC Recovery, we prioritize the well-being and safety of our clients. In some cases, if a client is deemed unfit for our program due to medical or psychiatric reasons and is referred to another institution for stabilization, we offer them the opportunity to be re-admitted into our program once they have achieved a stable condition.
We recognize that individuals facing complex medical or psychiatric challenges may require specialized care and intervention to address their unique needs. Our commitment to their recovery journey extends beyond initial assessments, and we aim to provide ongoing support when they are ready to resume their treatment with us.
To ensure the best possible outcomes, we work closely with healthcare professionals and institutions involved in the client's stabilization process. Our team collaborates to evaluate the client's readiness for re-admission, taking into account their medical and psychiatric stability, and any additional recommendations provided by the referring institution.
Once the client has achieved the necessary stability, we welcome them back into our program, where they can continue their recovery journey within a supportive and therapeutic environment. Our dedicated team will work closely with the client to facilitate a seamless transition and provide the necessary support to help them regain their momentum towards lasting sobriety.
At PRC Recovery, we believe in the potential for growth and transformation in every individual's recovery journey. In certain cases where a client has been expelled from our program, we offer them the opportunity for re-admission on the third day following the expulsion, subject to the terms and conditions outlined below:
Appeals Letter: Clients who have been expelled will be requested to write an appeals letter addressed to the staff and residents. This letter provides an opportunity for the client to express their understanding of the reasons for their expulsion, demonstrate remorse, and outline their commitment to change.
Group Discussion and Consensus: The appeals letter will be discussed in a group setting involving both clients and staff members. Through open dialogue and sharing of perspectives, the group aims to reach a consensus regarding the potential for re-admission. This collaborative approach ensures that the decision is made collectively and takes into account the best interests of the community as a whole.
Romantic/Sexual Relationships: In cases where a romantic or sexual relationship was the primary reason for the expulsion and one of the individuals involved was not expelled, the client will not be eligible to undergo the re-admission procedure. This policy helps maintain a safe and healthy environment for all clients.
Discretionary Re-Admission: PRC Recovery reserves the right to refuse re-admission at our discretion. Instances involving serious transgressions such as violence or discriminatory behaviour, which resulted in expulsion, will regrettably not be considered for re-admission. Our priority is to maintain a secure and supportive environment for all clients.
Negative Drug Screening: As part of the re-admission process, the client must test negative on a drug screening test for all substances. This requirement ensures that the client is committed to sobriety and aligns with our program's principles and objectives.
Continued Accountability: Re-admitted clients are required to adhere to the rules, guidelines, and expectations set forth by PRC Recovery. They must actively participate in therapeutic activities, attend support groups, and comply with the treatment plan developed in collaboration with their counsellor.

A healthy and
safe environment

Informed consent

Continuity of care

Participate in
decision making

Access to

Be referred for a
second opinion


Refuse treatment

and privacy

Exercise choice
in healthcare

Be treated with
respect and dignity

Provision for
special needs
Recovery Starts Here with Pace Recovery
Pace Recovery Centre is a registered facility dedicated to addressing addiction by providing effective addiction rehabilitation and therapy services. Our focus is on successful recovery from addiction, helping individuals attain and preserve an addiction-free lifestyle.
We offer an individualized, evidence-based approach to addiction treatment, focusing on the holistic development of an individual's spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical health.
PRC offers a unique methodology for overcoming addiction and dependency, with long-lasting success. Learn more by contacting us or exploring our enlightening videos.

Addiction Treatment, Affordable Treatment, Alternative Therapies, Emotional Wellness, Medication-Assisted Treatment, Mindfulness Practices, Personal Transformation, Positive Impact, Post-Rehab Support, Recovery Community, Recovery Maintenance, Recovery Support, Sharing Experiences, Stress Management, Substance Abuse, Supportive Environment, Tailored Treatment, Understanding Addiction