junior recovery coach
What inspired you to work in this field?
I was inspired by my recovery coach hearing his story and how he transformed his life. I had lots to relate to!
What motivated you to join the team?
For the first time in my life, I met people I felt understands addiction.
What unique qualities or experience do you bring to your role?
My own life journey through addiction speaks volumes. I'm an addict and have gone through the pain of active addiction. This allows me to listen and empathise with others and help keep them motivated.
What aspects of your job do you find most rewarding?
Watching the transformation of clients. Watching them rediscover themselves and finding their purpose and the growth this programme brings in a person.
Memorable success story?
That happens on a daily but one that stands out is having a difficult client who ran away but sitting with him and sharing my story inspired him and made him complete the programme. He now comes to visit in our meetings and is inspiring others.
What do you find challenging working in this field?
I'm blessed because I'm working with a strong team, so we usually overcome most challenges. What is challenging is mostly external. One example that stands out is that our government is not engaging with institutions that really understand addiction which makes it difficult to break people out of stigmas that are associated with recovery and treatment.
What values or principles guide your approach to supporting the clients?
Principals before personalities.
What is your personal mission statement?
Growing myself towards becoming a senior coach. I want people to think about Pace when recovery or addiction comes up in conversation.
I love watching movies. Recently I've been introduced to fishing, and I love it!
I also have an interest in interventions. I would like one day to open a practice, assisting families struggling to get family members into treatment.