Clients will be above the legal age of consent of 18 years of age.
The client should commit for a minimum of 21 days.
Detoxification will be available at Sabie Hospital if necessary under medical supervision. Should medical problems arise our consulting doctor will assess if the client requires other hospitalisation due to their condition and make the appropriate referral.
Clients will not have any uncontained severe mental health problems. (E.g. paranoid schizophrenia).
Clients with diagnosed mental illnesses will be required to submit an official report from their psychiatrist to declare him/her fit for treatment. The report should include that the client can make informed decisions and be suitable to undertake and conform to a daily schedule.
Clients will have access to sufficient funding to cover treatment costs.
Clients will not have a pre-existing physical condition that requires continuous nursing care.
The client can communicate, read and write in English.
No person with domestic violence or sexual abuse charges or convictions against women or children will be allowed on the premises. Failure to omit will result in immediate discharge and possible criminal charges.
When completing any online forms on PRC sites you consent to provide personal information, such as your email address, name, telephone number, etc. This information is required for us to process and fulfil your request and otherwise provide you with the information and services you may request from us. This information will, therefore, be kept by us as long as is necessary for us to use your information to comply with our legal obligations.
For security reasons, we also keep the IP address used when an order is registered. Cardholder name information is stored by PRC to ensure effective handling of any problems regarding charging, cancellations and/or credits. At no time will other credit card information, such as the Primary Account Number, Service Code and Expiration date be stored by PRC. Personal information collected on PRC sites and services may, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, be stored and processed in any country in which PRC or its subsidiaries maintain facilities.
Security of your personal information
PRC has several security measures in place to protect your personal information. However, when transmitting personal information over the internet, please bear in mind that no transmission over the internet can ever be guaranteed secure. Therefore, please note that PRC cannot guarantee the security of any personal information that you transfer over the Internet to us.
The first instalment is payable at least 24 hours before admission.
An administration fee of R2,000.00 is payable if the client does not honour the admission date.
Instalments are payable monthly in advance.
Interest will be charged at 1% daily for late payments.
The client will be discharged if the instalment is not reached within 7 days and a daily rate charged for days spent on the program.
Refunds for early discharge will only be applicable within the first 7 days of the treatment month. Any administration fees, expenses that occurred, and daily rates will be deducted.
After the first month, we require two weeks' notice to allow for the planning of aftercare.
Any amount refundable will only be refunded to the treatment sponsor.
20% discount for upfront payments of secondary and tertiary programs.
All cash deposits are liable to banking fees and will be the responsibility of the treatment sponsor.
If the client leaves within the first seven (7) weeks of a secondary and tertiary program, an additional charge will be liable as per fees for the primary program as stipulated on the acknowledgement of debt as an early discharge fee.
Medical aid co-payments are payable in advance. Payment is due on the last day before the new month of treatment starts.
An administration fee of R2,000.00 will be deducted if the client does not honour agreed-upon admission which is not payable by the medical aid.
A 1% daily penalty charge will be payable on all late payments and discharge will occur if full treatment fees for the month are not received within 7 days.
Medical aid claims will be done according to the medical aid scheme tariff of the client.
Medical aid claims will be done according to the number of days spent in the program in the event of early discharge.
No refunds are payable if the treatment month has commenced.
Any amount refundable will only be refunded to the treatment sponsor.
PRC may run various specials and offer specific discounts on its treatment packages from time to time. PRC can deny any client such specials and discounts at its sole discretion. PRC reserves the right to adjust, amend, or cancel any special or discount offer it has whether such offers are listed publicly or not. All specials and discounts will be subject to availability, with a specified price or percentage offered, within a specific timeframe of availability.
any possible hospital admission; (see attached fees addendum)
any special medical visits, psychiatrist evaluations, dentists and doctors; (see attached fees addendum)
any extramural activities;
special diets;
tuck shop money.
Clients are urged to stick to a monthly budget as determined by the treatment sponsor. An administration fee of 15% is deducted from purchases to cover costs for resources to acquire items. Please see the Welcome Pack for more information.
PRC Recovery Centre reserves the right to ask for a specialist psychiatric evaluation if the case management team deems the client is either misdiagnosed or undiagnosed with a mental health condition. This is not covered by the treatment costs.
Any client with severe mental health conditions (i.e. schizophrenia) will be required to send a psychiatrist evaluation deeming them fit for treatment. No client will be allowed to continue treatment if they are considered to be in psychosis. Detoxification is required before admission.
This acknowledgement is subject to acceptance by PRC at Pace Recovery Centre, 3 Raamsaag Street, Klein Sabie, Sabie, 1260.
I acknowledge that any indulgence granted by the PRC shall not be construed as a waiver of PRC rights.
I acknowledge that after the payment of the monthly instalment, I will have sufficient money and means at my disposal to maintain my family and myself.
I consent to the Jurisdiction of the Sabie Magistrates Court in that;
should I default in paying any instalment on the due date, PRC shall without notice be entitled to claim immediate payment of the full amount outstanding, failing which, PRC can then immediately apply for judgment for the amount of the outstanding balance of the debt in terms of any acknowledgement of debt, together with cost and interest already accrued plus further interest.
I consent and agree that, in the case of defaulting in payment of any instalment, an emoluments attachment order may immediately be issued against my employer for attachment of my remuneration.
Our terms and conditions may be changed by us at any time. The revised terms and conditions may be posted on this page so that you are always aware of our terms and conditions. We encourage you to periodically review this statement to know how the PRC is protecting your interests.
Requests regarding our terms and conditions are welcomed and should be addressed to info@prcrecovery.co.za.