I don't feel so overwhelmed and obsessive in my thoughts and altering my behavior would have not been possible without PRC! Thank you for helping me change my life!

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The program is phenomenal with great insights and teaching.
The program is phenomenal with great insights and teaching. The amount of discipline and rules is amazing to assist one in their recovery. I don't feel so overwhelmed and obsessive in my thoughts and altering my behaviour would not have been possible without PRC! The PRC team were warm and friendly to my recovery journey. Thank you for helping me change my life!
Individual Counselling
This was sufficient and effective for me, and my progress.
Group Counselling
The group sessions are really engaging and very insightful - I would suggest more of these sessions. the sessions that I have been involved in were a huge benefit to me and my recovery.
Step Work Counselling
The step work counselling is very detailed and helpful to assist in progress as well as allowing me to think deeper the feedback from the counsellors is detailed and the classes assist.
Suggestion - The ladies' shower head is not that great maybe consider replacing it.
Meals were sufficient, portions were a bit large for me. Perhaps change the meal that has mash for lunch and fried potatoes at dinner (I felt it was too much potatoes ) maybe fries with the burger, add a pizza day.
The meetings are great and it is very helpful to a newcomer who has never been to any of these, I enjoyed JFT and the group meetings.
Overall my experience was good and being here has really helped me to want to recover and keep going.