I have really learned a lot. I have accepted that I am powerless and I can see the clear road to total sobriety now.

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Pace helped me to understand the program
I arrived at Pace miserable, challenged, stressed and highly emotional about my crap life and my addiction. The first two days were not so simple because I didn't understand the recovery program since it was my first time in rehab, however, the staff and my fellow recovery addicts helped me to blend in and made me understand the program ( 12 steps, meeting, groups ) and most importantly the real reason why I came here with this being my 3rd week at Pace I have really learned a lot. I have accepted that I am powerless and I can see the clear road to total sobriety now.
Individual Counselling
The best ever calm, soft, straight to the point, relaxed and he knows exactly what he is saying and doing.
Occupational Therapy
I met her once, however, it was a great session, I really felt comfortable and open towards her and the topic.
Social Worker
Soft-spoken but strict, your advice on employing my mother to my recovery, made the whole program worthwhile. I feel it was the missing puzzle.
Group Therapy
I always loved and enjoyed group therapy because I got to learn from other people's experiences and what they went through in life, thus taking their advice and applying it in my day-to-day life. Informative, eye-opening, and insightful. Everyone was always given a fair chance to participate.
Recovery Coaching
My guy, buddy you have a bright heart and future ahead let your gentle soul take you for. Best counsellor ever.
Beautiful, clean, comfortable, open, relaxing. I enjoy my stay. The weather is great. Everything is up to standard all the way from the entrance to the bedrooms.
I’ve had some of the best meals ever since I arrived at Pace. The food is healthy, clean and well prepared in time and enough for everyone. Thanks to the kitchen staff.
Beautiful weekends, nice braai, delicious cupcakes, soft bed, nice TV room, after all, it's everything I wasn't expecting to find. I was looking forward to being in jail.
What Makes PRC Different?
What makes it different is the staff members, they really know their job and they have time to attend to all of our needs. The facility is great. The program is the best I've heard of. I couldn't ask for more.