Aftercare Planning
Relapse Prevention for Lasting Sobriety
Relapse is defined as an event, or stimuli that cause an individual in recovery, to resort to the use of a mind-altering substance, following a prolonged period of abstinence. The National Institute of Drug Abuse reports that between 40 – 60 percent of individuals are at risk of relapsing during the first twelve months of recovery. A fundamental function of addiction treatment is promoting long-term recovery through relapse prevention programming, and therefore a continuum of support post-primary rehabilitation treatment is critical to successful recovery.
The aftercare treatment plan answers the need for continued support and is developed as a collaboration between the client, family/loved ones and case management team. Areas explored in the aftercare plan include the following:

Routine is an important part of recovery. With the aftercare plan areas to maintain a routine are explored.

Fellowship Meetings and Attendance
The importance of the 5 pillars is stressed: Meetings, sponsors, step work, service and Higher Power.

Social, Friends and Relationships
Friendship, social "hang-outs" and toxic relationships during active addiction may lead to relapse. In the aftercare plan, we explore these aspects in more detail.

Monies and Employment
Personal development, possible employment that could affect the individual's recovery as well as the handling of monies are dealt with in the aftercare plan.

Body Image
A healthy lifestyle is important in recovery. We explore personal hygiene, nutritional meals, and exercise in this section of the aftercare plan.

Specialist Visits and Medication
The importance of follow-up specialist visits is discussed for individuals with dual diagnosis or any other professional interventions identified during treatment. It is also important to know which prescription or over-the-counter medication may be addictive.

Triggers and Behaviours
Triggers and behaviours identified during treatment are noted in this section.

Personal boundaries that were established or identified during treatment are noted in this section.

Possible consequences that could be set out in the aftercare plan are thoroughly discussed and noted in the aftercare plan.

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Affordable Treatment, Aftercare Planning, Continuum of Care, Coping Skills, Family Support, Healthy Dynamics, Holistic Treatment, Lasting Sobriety, Mindfulness Practices, Positive Impact, Post-Rehab Support, Recovery Maintenance, Recovery Support, Sharing Experiences, Stress Management, Understanding Addiction, Wellness Program