Hallucinogens, LSD, Acid, PCP, DMT
LSD, Acid, PCP, DMT Drug Rehabilitation
Also known as psychedelics, these drugs can change the way a person perceive the world. It affects all the senses, altering thinking, sense of time and emotions.
Signs and Symptoms
A person tripping on LSD might not necessarily be overly concerned about concealing their behaviour due to the emotional responses evoked by the drug. Typical signs noticeable:
> Dilated pupils
> Salivation or dry mouth
> Weakness
> Negative effects including emotional distress, anxiety, depression, disorientation or paranoia
> Dizziness, nausea, rapid heart rate and convulsions
> Sweating or chills
> Blurred vision
> Inability to perform complex tasks like driving or operating machinery
Methods of Use
> Orally
Adverse Effects
> Sleep problems
> Panic
> Paranoia
> Psychosis
> Disorganized thinking
> Memory loss
> Depression
> Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
> Loss of appetite
> Excessive sweating
> Numbness
> Nausea
> Speech problems
Overdose Potential
Inexperienced users may not be aware of the late onset of the elicit effects and therefore take repeated doses over a short period which could lead to accidental overdose. Another factor to consider is the unpredictability of the doses. Therefore it is essential to be aware of possible symptoms leading to overdose even if the consensus is that lethal overdose on LSD alone is not possible. LSD may present side effects as mentioned above. But more severe side effects may include the following:
> Extreme anxiety.
> Feelings of lost identity that they are ceasing to exist.
> Panic.
> Paranoia.
> Rapid mood swings.
> Aggression towards others, including homicide.
> Self-mutilation.
> Dying in an accident.
> Committing suicide.
> Features of psychosis that don’t immediately end when the LSD trip is over.
Due to LSD primarily becoming a psychological dependence, there are not likely to experience physical ailments but rather a strong desire to take LSD because of the emotional discomfort.
The following is most commonly found:
> Flashbacks
> Anxiety
> Confusion
> Depersonalisation
> Self-help organizations – Talking with others who also have a disorder have been proven to be very effective.
> Therapy – Behaviour therapy or cognitive behaviour therapy is a proven evidence based therapy teaching skills to reduce the urges. Find a licensed practitioner.
> Medications – Studies suggest that some medication may be effective for the treatment of gambling addiction. Speak to a psychiatrist specialised in addiction treatment for an evaluation and recommendations.
> Treatment programs – Many in-treatment and outpatient programs can assist with a gambling disorder.
Why choose PRC Recovery?
We are a registered treatment centre specialising in the treatment of addictive disorders. Our individualised approach to treating addiction is based on international standards and includes the many proven modalities in the treatment of addiction.
Key focus areas for an effective program:
> Family involvement – family participation in the treatment of any addiction is vital.
> Individualised approach – underlying issues prolonging any addiction is based on the individual and therefore individual treatment plans are an important component to effective treatment of addiction by a qualified professional counsellor.
> 12 step program – Twelve step programs have proven highly effective in the treatment of addiction and starts forming the solid foundation in early recovery. It is also used as the platform to the introduction of self-help organisations, forming part of the aftercare.
> Aftercare – Stopping the addiction is only the foundation phase in the treatment of addiction. A well thought-out aftercare plan is crucial to sustain long-term recovery.
Understanding LSD Abuse
Embark on an illuminating exploration of LSD at PRC Recovery, where our mission revolves around addressing the multifaceted issues linked to substance use. In this feature, we delve into LSD, aiming to provide holistic insights, promote informed decision-making, and stress the significance of seeking professional guidance when navigating the intricacies of substance use.