Heroin, Smack, H, Brown
Heroin Rehab Centre
Heroin users describes a feeling of as surge of pleasurable sensation or rush. In its purest form, heroin is a fine white powder. But more often, it is found to be grey, brown or black in colour. The colouring comes from additives which has been used to dilute it.
Signs and Symptoms
With the high potential for addiction, after a sufficient time of regular use, a person will become dependent on heroin. The brain doesn’t naturally produce dopamine as it once did, resulting in taking higher and more frequent doses to achieve the same effect. For someone with a heroin addiction, life usually revolves around their drug use.
The following signs and symptoms may be visible during and after consumptions:
> Constricted pupils
> Droopy appearance
> Hyper alertness followed by suddenly nodding off
> Disorientation
> Shortness of breath
Behavioural signs:
> Incoherent speech
> Lying
> Avoiding eye contact
> Increased sleep
> Worsening in work or school performance
> Hygiene and physical appearance wears off
> Loss of motivation
> Isolation from friends and family
> Stealing or borrowing money
> Wearing long sleeves or long pants to hide needle marks
Typical paraphernalia used:
> Needles or syringes
> Silver spoons
> Aluminium foil
> Missing shoelaces (tying off injection sites)
> Pipes
> Straws or small plastic bags with powdery residue
Due to the tolerant built up for heroin, using higher doses and more frequently may display more telling signs:
> Weight loss
> Needle track marks
> Infections around the injection site
> Bruises or scabs from skin picking
Methods of Use
> Injected
> Smoked
> Snorted
Adverse Effects
> Depression
> Agitation
> Weight loss
> Delusions
> Paranoia
> Apathy and lack of motivation
> Potential lethal overdose
> Chronic pneumonia
> Collapsed veins
> Blood clotting
> Repertory depression
> Seizures
Overdose Potential
Heroin has a high rate of overdose potential when enough of the drug is used to produce a life-threatening reaction. Breathing often slows or stops, decreasing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, called hypoxia. Hypoxia has short- and long-term mental effects and effects the nervous system, including coma and permanent brain damage.
Symptoms depends on several factors including tolerance, length of addiction, metabolism, and severity of addiction. Withdrawal can be a painful and uncomfortable process and is often the reason why a person would rather return to their drug use. Symptoms usually start within a few hours then peak within 1-2 days and subsides between 5-7 days. Symptoms may include the following:
> Intense cravings
> Sweating
> Nausea and vomiting
> Muscle aches and pains
> Cramping
> Insomnia
> Fever
> Diarrhoea
> Self-help organizations – Talking with others who also have a disorder have been proven to be very effective.
> Therapy – Behaviour therapy or cognitive behaviour therapy is a proven evidence based therapy teaching skills to reduce the urges. Find a licensed practitioner.
> Medications – Studies suggest that some medication may be effective for the treatment of gambling addiction. Speak to a psychiatrist specialised in addiction treatment for an evaluation and recommendations.
> Treatment programs – Many in-treatment and outpatient programs can assist with a gambling disorder.
Why choose PRC Recovery?
We are a registered treatment centre specialising in the treatment of addictive disorders. Our individualised approach to treating addiction is based on international standards and includes the many proven modalities in the treatment of addiction.
Key focus areas for an effective program:
> Family involvement – family participation in the treatment of any addiction is vital.
> Individualised approach – underlying issues prolonging any addiction is based on the individual and therefore individual treatment plans are an important component to effective treatment of addiction by a qualified professional counsellor.
> 12 step program – Twelve step programs have proven highly effective in the treatment of addiction and starts forming the solid foundation in early recovery. It is also used as the platform to the introduction of self-help organisations, forming part of the aftercare.
> Aftercare – Stopping the addiction is only the foundation phase in the treatment of addiction. A well thought-out aftercare plan is crucial to sustain long-term recovery.
Understanding Heroin Abuse
At PRC Recovery, we delve into the profound challenges of substance abuse, and our focus now turns to heroin, a potent opiate with far-reaching consequences. This installment aims to provide comprehensive insights into the nature of heroin, its effects, and avenues for recovery. By offering valuable information, we seek to empower individuals, encourage informed decision-making, and emphasize the importance of seeking professional assistance when grappling with heroin misuse.