Marijuana, Dagga, Weed, Cannabis, Pot
Marijuana Rehab Treatment
People who smoke marijuana often experience altered perceptions of the world. Otherwise normal experience seems extremely funny, or the person might enter a dreamlike state in which time seems to stand still. Users often report heightened sensory experiences, seeing vivid colours or appreciating the subtleties of music.
Signs and Symptoms
There are signs or symptoms one can look out for to know if someone is using marijuana. While many consider it to be harmless, continuous use in high doses shows a reduction in thinking, memory, and learning functions and affects how the brain makes connections.
Typical signs include:
> Loosing focus during conversation.
> Bloodshot eyes.
> An increased appetite, often for junk food or sweets.
> Loss of motivation and energy.
> Inappropriate and uncontrollable laughter.
> Paranoia thinking that people are out to get them.
> Financial or legal problems.
> Drug paraphernalia includes pipes, shredded leafy debris and cigarette rolling papers.
Methods of Use
> Smoked
> Orally
> Vaping
Adverse Effects
> Altered sense of time
> Impaired body movement
> Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
> Impaired memory
> Hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
> Delusions (when taken in high doses)
> Psychosis (when taken in high doses)
> Breathing problems
> Increased heart rate
> Problems with child development during and after pregnancy
> Intense nausea and vomiting
Overdose Potential
Overdosing on marijuana is unlikely as it binds to areas of the brain that controls memory and coordination. However, many people have sought medical attention for getting too high too quickly. Over the last decades, THC levels (the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana) have increased exponentially across marijuana strains. Combined with the newer means of ingestion, marijuana use has become somewhat less predictable. There is also the danger of any drug purchased off the streets has the potential of being laced with other drugs.
Always seek medical attention if it becomes necessary. Do not ignore the signs of overconsumption:
> Escalated heart rate
> Headache
> Pale skin
> Paranoid thoughts or hallacinations
> Confusion or panic attacks
Withdrawal can be a painful and uncomfortable process and is often the reason why a person would rather return to their drug use. Symptoms depends on several factors including tolerance, length of addiction, metabolism, and severity of addiction. Most common withdrawal symptoms may include the following:
> Grouchiness
> Sleeplessness
> Decreased appetite
> Anxiety
> Cravings
Withdrawal may persist for days or weeks. Most commonly drug cravings and psychological side effects lasts longer and therefore treatment is advised for long term recovery.
> Self-help organizations – Talking with others who also have a disorder have been proven to be very effective.
> Therapy – Behaviour therapy or cognitive behaviour therapy is a proven evidence based therapy teaching skills to reduce the urges. Find a licensed practitioner.
> Medications – Studies suggest that some medication may be effective for the treatment of gambling addiction. Speak to a psychiatrist specialised in addiction treatment for an evaluation and recommendations.
> Treatment programs – Many in-treatment and outpatient programs can assist with a gambling disorder.
Why choose PRC Recovery?
We are a registered treatment centre specialising in the treatment of addictive disorders. Our individualised approach to treating addiction is based on international standards and includes the many proven modalities in the treatment of addiction.
Key focus areas for an effective program:
> Family involvement – family participation in the treatment of any addiction is vital.
> Individualised approach – underlying issues prolonging any addiction is based on the individual and therefore individual treatment plans are an important component to effective treatment of addiction by a qualified professional counsellor.
> 12 step program – Twelve step programs have proven highly effective in the treatment of addiction and starts forming the solid foundation in early recovery. It is also used as the platform to the introduction of self-help organisations, forming part of the aftercare.
> Aftercare – Stopping the addiction is only the foundation phase in the treatment of addiction. A well thought-out aftercare plan is crucial to sustain long-term recovery.
Understanding Cannabis Abuse
At PRC Recovery, our commitment extends to addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with substance abuse. In this installment, we delve into the world of cannabis�a widely-used plant-based drug with varying perceptions. This exploration aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of cannabis, shedding light on its effects and paving the way for a journey toward recovery.